Dissemination To Cluster Teachers about Annual DAVCAE Workshop :
Hindi Workshop : 29 June 2024
विषय : श्रवण, वाचन, पाठन व लेखन कौशल नई शिक्षा प्रणाली के अनुसार
सीखने के प्रतिफल:
1.शिक्षकों ने कईं तरह की नई तकनीकों जैसे बाल केंद्रित गतिविधियों द्वारा नई शिक्षा प्रणाली से जुड़ाव के साथ-साथ शिक्षण की नवीन पद्धतियों का महत्त्व समझा।
2. इन नई तकनीकों की मदद से छात्रों को पढ़ाने में उन्हें सहायता होगी।
3. शिक्षक गतिविधियों के माध्यम से छात्रों की रुचि मातृ भाषा के प्रति विकसित होगी।
4. इससे शिक्षक और शिष्य के संबंध सुदृढ़ होंगे।
5. सभी छात्र बढ़-चढ़कर इन रोचक गतिविधियों में भाग लेंगे।
6. शिक्षक कक्षाओं में छात्रों की ध्यान एकाग्र करने में सक्षम होंगे।
कार्यशाला में भाग लेने वाले अध्यापकों से अपेक्षा है कि वे :
*शिक्षक और छात्र का संबंध कैसा होना चाहिए? यह उन्हें ज्ञात रहे।
*गतिविधियां करवाते समय शिक्षकों को बढ़-चढ़कर भाग लेना चाहिए।
*शिक्षकों को अपनी क्षमता से हर गतिविधि को रोचक व प्रभावशाली बनाना चाहिए।
*शिक्षकों को चाहिए कि वे स्वयं को इतना सक्षम बनाएं कि वे प्रत्येक छात्र के व्यवहार और क्षमता को जाने और उनका मनोबल बढ़ाएं।
*शिक्षक को चाहिए कि वह अपने विषय को सरल और सुगम बनाए ताकि विद्यार्थी उसे आत्मसात कर सकें।
कार्यशाला के उद्देश्य :-
द्वितीय भाषा के रूप में हिंदी (कोड संख्या (085)कक्षा नवीं एवं दसवीं परीक्षा हेतु पाठ्यक्रम विनिर्देशन (2024-25) एवं वार्षिक बोर्ड परीक्षा हेतु भार विभाजन
* अपठित गद्यांश पर दिशा चिंतन विश्लेषण सराहना आदि पर बहुविकल्पीय,अति लघूत्तरात्मक एवं लघूत्तरात्मक प्रश्नों का निर्माण :
कार्यशाला का परिणाम:-
* बोर्ड द्वारा किए पाठ्यक्रम एवं अंक विभाजन के परिवर्तन को सभी ने अच्छे से समझा एवं नोट किया।
* अपठित गद्यांश पर विचार -विमर्श किया गया।
* बहुवैकल्पिक वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नों के अंतर्गत अभि कथन– कारण (एसर्शन- रीजनिंग) वाले प्रश्नों का निर्माण सीखा।
* सुमेलित प्रश्नों का निर्माण भी किया गया।
* रचनात्मक अभिव्यक्ति के प्रश्नों के अंतर्गत सूचना ईमेल एवं औपचारिक पत्र के मान्य प्रारूपों को सभी ने समझा एवं लिखा।
* रुचि पूर्ण ढंग से कार्यशाला ली गई एवं सभी ने इसमें भाग लिया।
प्रस्तुत कर्ती भावना खुराना पूजा दीक्षित
Computer Workshop :29 June 2024
Venue: DAV , Sector 15 , Chandigarh
COTP: Principal Ms Maninder( DAV 39, Chandigarh)
No of Participants: 19
Co Resource Persons:
Ms Aruna (DAV-15, Chandigarh)
Mrs AmarJyoti (DAV-15 ,Chandigarh)
A workshop on the topic of “ Hands on Project”, “ User Friendly Apps”, "Applications of AI for Real Life Experiences" was held on 29 June 2024 for computer educators.
Around fifteen teachers from the Chandigarh zone attended the workshop. Planning for the workshop took into account the following goals:
1) Educating the teachers on artificial intelligence and its domain.
2) Use of AI in everyday situations
3) Making Use of Chatbots.
4) AI applications for making presentations
5) AI for mind maps
6) User friendly Apps
7) Guiding students to make use of online Apps to prepare presentations and reports for their project work like ChatGPT, Steeve AI, Remini, google slide, Canva etc.
8) Useful points in making projects: Clear instructions, Rubrics, Use of proper keywords to search information, collaborating ICT with other subjects and following the NEP pointer to assess the students for their project work.
The successful training inspired the educators to create mind maps, lesson plans, quizzes, projects and presentations using AI and user friendly apps.
Workshop of Sanskrit: 28 June 2024
Venue:DAV , Sector 8 C, Chandigarh
COTP: Principal Pooja Prakash ( DAV 8 , Chandigarh)
No of Participants 49
Co Resource Persons:
1)Mr Ramesh Arya (DAV15, Chandigarh)
2)Ms Ritu Sharma(KB. DAV Chandigarh)
एकदिवसीया क्षमता संवर्धन संस्कृत-कार्यशाला विवरण -2024
विषय विशेषज्ञ : रमेश कुमार आर्य
विषय: वर्तमानकाले संस्कृत-साहित्यस्य अध्ययनस्य आवश्यकता तथा संस्कृत साहित्ये विज्ञानम् ।
उपर्युक्त कार्यशाला davcmc . द्वारा क्षमता निर्माण कार्यक्रम के तहत प्राथमिक संस्कृत विषय पर कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया |
उपर्युक्त आयोजित कार्यक्रम में विषय विशेषज्ञ द्वारा निम्नलिखित विन्दुओं पर प्रकाश डाला गया |
1. कक्षा -3 से 8 तक के विद्यार्थियों के लिए संस्कृतभाषा को रुचिकर बनायें और संस्कृति, संस्कार युक्त शिक्षा हो, जिससे विद्यार्थियों को सीखने में प्रसन्नता का अनुभव हो तथा उनमें मानवीय गुणों का विकास हो |
2. विद्यार्थियों में संस्कृत ज्ञान देने के क्रम में उच्चारण की स्पष्टता व शुद्धता पर ध्यान दिया जाए, विषय विशेषज्ञ द्वारा यह भी मार्गदर्शन दिया गया |
3. संस्कृत साहित्य में अभिरुचि उत्पन्न करने हेतु उपरोक्त विषय को विज्ञान के साथ जोड़ कर समझाने का प्रयास रहा - यथा- आहार, सूर्य ग्रहण, वैदिक गणित आदि के संस्कृत में उल्लेखित वैज्ञानिकों के बारे में बताया गया |
4. उपरोक्त कार्यशाला में प्रतिभागियों द्वारा श्लोकोच्चारण, संस्कृत सूक्तिलेखन तथा प्रत्यय आधारित वर्कशीट की गतिविधियाँ करवाई गयी |
5. विषय विशेषज्ञ यह ध्यान रखें कि संस्कृतभाषा को बहुत ही सरलता से विद्यार्थियों को सिखाया जा सके, इसके लिए चित्र की प्रस्तुति, कक्षा में नाट्य मंच का भी सहारा ले सकते हैं |
विषय विशेषज्ञ ने अपने वक्तव्य में कई वेदमंत्रो व श्लोकों को उद्धृत किया जिसमें संस्कृत साहित्य के प्रति अभिरुचि तथा संस्कृत में विज्ञान की खोज की अभिरुचि भी जागेगी
Workshop of Mathematics: 28 June 2024
Venue: KB DAV , Sector 7 , Chandigarh
COTP: Principal Dr Rosy Sharma ( DAV Mohali )
No of Participants: 28
Resource Persons:
1)Mr Narinder (DAV15, Chandigarh)
2)Mr Shubash (KB. DAV Chandigarh)
3)Ms Nivedita (DA , Sector 8 C, Chandigarh)
4)Mr Rakesh Kumar (DAV Mohali )
One Day Capacity Building Workshop for Mathematics Teachers (III to X)
• Activities of two digit and four digit number with dice
• Domino Activity and different types of questions based on domino train
• Perimeter and area finding using pentominoes
• Addition and subtraction of like & unlike fraction by visual aid
• Addition, multiplication, subtraction and division by lattice (Box method), Japanese method
• Paper folding activity Origami and kirigami
• Art integration from kirigami activity
● Port folio
● How to frame different types of questions
● Pattern of question paper
● Participants were engaged in preparing QUESTION BANKS
● Submission of the work assigned.
● To empowered teachers with the new techniques of Maths and teaching basic concepts with the visual aids.
● To equip teachers with latest changes in syllabus
● To equip teachers with the latest changes in the marking scheme
● To enable teachers to adapt, plan and execute the examinations effectively in the current scenario and carry out training programs to be delivered in the participant’s own institutions.
● To enhance the teacher’s ability for evaluation and analysis of Mathematical components.
1) The participants will be able to understand that how to teach the basic concept of Maths with the visual aid and different types of activity.
2) After attending this workshop participant will be able to frame different types of activity based on Domino and also different types of questions.
3) They will be able to origami and kirigami and how it helps in the formation of art integration questions.

EEDP 1 and EEDP 2 - 28 June 2024
Venue: DAV Model School, Sector 15 A, Chandigarh
COTP: Principal Monika Paliwal (DAV, Sector 8C, Chandigarh)
No of Participants: 55
Resource Persons:
1)Ms Shefali (DAV15,Chandigarh)
2)Ms Shalini (DAV 15, Chandigarh)
3)Ms Nidhi Munjal (DAV Mohali)
4)Ms Pooja (DAV Mohali)
Catering classes - EEDP 1 AND EEDP 2*
A comprehensive and inclusive workshop to draft a lesson plan. Creating a holistic lesson plan for heterogeneous learners involves addressing the diverse needs, backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles of students within a classroom.Curriculum goals and competencies we consider while making a lesson plan were also discussed which is the need of an hour. Facilities in various activities to be added in the lesson plan were also discussed.Enhancing learning through sensory play as per NEP. National education policy emphasizes sensory play as a crucial component in early childhood.
The more senses children engage in during their learning, the better they become at executing more complex learning tasks and supporting cognitive growth. Sensory learning supports language development, body awareness, gross motor and fine motor development, social interaction and problem-solving skills.

Workshop of Social Science - 28 June 2024
Venue: DAV Mohali
COTP: Principal Maninder ( DAV, Sector 39, Chandigarh)
No of Participants: 29
Resource Persons:
1)Ms Priyanka (DAV15, Chandigarh)
2)Ms Geeta (KB. DAV Chandigarh)
3)Ms Promila (KB DAV , Sector 7 , Chandigarh)
4)Ms Archana (DAV , Sector 8 C, Chandigarh )
Focussing on cognitive development and developing skills in using tools and techniques for effective knowledge delivery on 28th June 2024 at DAV Sr Sec School, Mohali.
Aim : This workshop aims at equipping all the Social science teachers of the cluster with active learning approach and resources for high quality teaching.
Objective : The objectives of the workshop envisaged for the participants are to :
* Equip them with effective strategies and techniques for developing the concept and mind maps.
* Incorporate interesting inbuilt activities and Hands-on how to prepare mind maps.
*Develop co-relation between the previous knowledge with the present demand of curriculum.
* To promote group participation for effective utilization of diverse teaching techniques.
* Develop different teaching strategies according to the level and needs of the learner.
* Promote the spirit of enquiry and creativity.
Learning Outcomes :
It is expected that by the end of the programme the participants will be able to-
* Use appropriate tools to effectively teach the subject in a time bound manner.
* Design effective concept and mind maps.
* Co-relate the subject to real life situations.
* Design innovative subject enrichment activities and develop resources to cater to the needs of different learning styles.
* Evaluate the students ability as per their understanding and performance.
Learning outcomes of the workshop can be seen under the categories of KSA(Knowledge,Skill and Attitude).
Design of the programme
The programme is divided into various sessions.There will be one to one interaction with the participants through Brainstorming activities,hands on activities, demonstrations etc.

Moral Values - 26 June 2024
“We all are born as empty vessels which can be shaped by Moral Values”
The workshop was conducted with the aim of redefining and enhancing the syllabus of Natik Shiksha books from Classes I to VIII. One of the key highlights of the workshop was to incorporate the concepts of life skills into the narratives of the Natik Shiksha books. These stories are meticulously designed to resonate with students and convey important moral lessons. By infusing the curriculum with such content, more ethical and value-driven environment within our educational system.
Furthermore, the workshop provided valuable insights and strategies for effectively implementing these changes in the curriculum. The discussions and practical sessions allowed participants to brainstorm ideas and collaborate on innovative teaching methodologies.
Resource Person: Hema Punj
Two Days Capacity Building Workshop for Social Studies held at DAV15
Two days capacity building workshop was held at DAV15 for teachers teaching Social Studies at Secondary level.CBSE Resource Persons ,Principal Veena Singh and Mrs Sanghmitra from Jalandhar apprised various methodologies to teach Secondary Social Studies Teachers from various private and Government schools of Chandigarh. The Venue Director,Principal Mrs Anuja Sharma motivated the participating teachers to shape the physical,social and emotional behaviour of young impressionable minds of the students.

Need Based Capacity Building Program June 2023
Chandigarh Cluster, Chandigarh
A three days Capacity Building Program for the subjects of EEDP 1 &2, Maths, Science , Social Science, English, Hindi, Punjabi and Sanskrit at Primary, Middle and Secondary level has been organized by Chandigarh Cluster Chandigarh from 27/6/23 to 30/6/23. The CBP for science (Primary, Middle & Secondary Level), EEDP1 & 2 and Sanskrit ( Primary and Middle level) have been organized and hosted by DAV 15. The concerned subject teachers have been trained for their respective subjects. The cluster head Ms Jaskiran Harika congratulated & motivated the participants and the Master Trainers to work hard in shaping the present and future of India in general and that of our students in particular.

DATED; 27.06.23
ONE Day “CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME IN TEACHING OF SCIENCE FOR FACILITATORS” under the aegis of DAVCMC Centre of Excellence was conducted in the portals of DAV Model School , Sector 15, Chandigarh on 27th June 2023 and was attended by approximately 40 participants.
The workshop was inaugurated by Ms Jaskiran Harika, Cluster Head Chandigarh ,Principal Ms Jyotika Ahuja, Principal Ms Monika Paliwal and Principal Ms Anuja Sharma . They motivated the teachers to be equipped with creative pedagogical practices and competency based learning activities , latest methodologies for effective teaching of scientific principles, equations and numericals.
The resource Persons from DAV Chandigarh Cluster chiselled, guided, engaged and incorporated teaching of scientific principles as per NEP guidelines. They stimulated all the teachers to make their classrooms engaging and vibrant classes where every child whole hearted participates.
Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma thanked the resource persons and DAV CMC Centre of Excellence for conducting such workshops as they provided stimulating experience for the wizards of science . Each of the participants were engaged to evolve as competent teachers to teach innovative strategies and methodologies in imparting scientific knowledge and skills to the students.
Two Days “CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME IN JOYFUL MATHEMATICS FOR FACILITATORS” under the aegis of CBSE centre of excellence was conducted in the portals of DAV Model School Chandigarh on 23rd and 24th July 2019 attended by approximately 66 participants.
The event was inaugurated Dr Surender S Dhaiya , Director SCERT and Mrs Anjali Chabbra,(Joint secretary CBSE) also graced the event with her benign presence. They motivated the teachers to be equipped with latest methodologies for Joyful teaching of mathematics.
The resource Persons Sh Pramod Kumar TK (Joint Secretary CBSE) and Prof Jyoti Sharma, CIC University of Delhi chiselled, guided, engaged and stimulated all the teachers to make their classrooms engaging and vibrant classes where every child whole hearted participates.
Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma thanked the resource persons and CBSE centre of excellence for conducting such workshops as these two days were a stimulating experience for the wizards of mathematics. Each of them were engaged to evolve into a teacher equipped to meet the challenges of the modern world.

Date 29-06-2019
Workshop on Adolescence Education.
“Adolescence is society’s permission slip for combining physical maturity with psychological irresponsibility.” So the need of the hour for the educators is to become socially responsible galvanizers of future generations
With this motto, a workshop was organized by CBSE, Centre Of Excellence on Adolescence Education Programme for teachers in the portals of DAV Model School, Sector- 15A, Chandigarh by Dr Sneh Bansal ,Asstt . Prof, Chd and Dr Nazli ,Asst. Prof .Govt.Rehab Institute of Intellectual Diabilities ,Chd.
The event started with ceremonial Lamp lighting amidst prayers. Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma highlighted the importance of conducting such workshops as they are an eye opener to various problems of adolescence and their solutions. She emphasized that empathy and compassionate care is the key to these problems.
It was an interactive session by Dr Sneh Bansal and Dr Nazli who exhibited many videos, slides, showcasing the need to deal with physical, social and environmental challenges in the lives of adolescents. The delegates had an enriching experience.

Dated: 27.6.2019
One day Capacity Building Science Workshop held at DAV-15
One day Need Based Training Programme for secondary level teachers of science for orientation to PISA and changes in question paper was held at DAV Model School Sector-15 on June 27, 2019 under the aegis of DAVCAE, New Delhi and the dynamic leadership of Dr. Nisha Peshin (Director-PS-II). Mrs. Jaskiran Harika, the cluster Head motivated the teachers and asked them to be lifelong learners. Mrs. Anuja Sharma, Principal highlighted the need for updating teachers in continuous educational scenario for better performance of the students. Ms. Poonam Khurana and Ms. Sangeeta Adlakha, Ms. Bandhana Sharma and Sandeep Kathuria were the resource persons. The workshop commenced with illumination of the lamp of knowledge followed by DAV Gaan. Delegates from different DAV schools participated in the enriching workshop. The workshop focused on updating the educators to the recent changes in the curriculum and focusing on the PISA framework for scientific literacy. The flux of the session was to equip teachers with the latest changes and include strategies for enhancing practical skills for improved learning.

Workshop on Adolescence issues
Workshop on “Adolescence issues” was organized in the portals of DAV Model School Sector- 15 A, Chandigarh by Dr. Simmi Waraich, Senior Consultant (Psychiatrist) and Ms. Sumedha Banerjee, Clinical Psychologist, both from Fortis Hospital.
The event started with ceremonial lamp lighting. Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma highlighted the importance of conducting such workshops for educators to spread awareness about various strategies for coordinating behavioral problems of teenagers in a constructive manner.
Dr. Simmi Waraich & Ms. Sumedha Banerjee brought forth various psychological causes and Physiological functioning of brain for different moods swings, behavioral problems, ADHD and anxiety.
The session was quite interactive and many queries were discussed and analyzed. It proved to be a fruitful and instructive workshop for all present.

Date 11/12/18
Workshop on Protection Of Children From Sexual Offences Act.
‘To be concerned is to be human’. With this motto, a workshop was conducted on ‘ Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. in the portals of DAV Model School, Sector- 15A, Chandigarh by Ms. Rekha Sharma from Police DAV, Jalandhar.
The event started with ceremonial Lamp lighting and DAV Gaan. Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma highlighted the importance of conducting such workshops in the school as they are an eye opener. She emphasized that vigilance is the key to protection.
It was an interactive session exhibiting many videos, slides showcasing the need to protect children. The teachers and supporting staff were fully apprised about the POCSO Act. for welfare of everyone in the school premises.

Need based Training Workshop of DAV Chandigarh Zone schools held at DAV-15
One day capacity building workshop was organised by DAV regional centre for academic excellence under the agies of DAV college managing committee. DAV schools of Chandigarh Zone organised inservice need based training workshop for Hindi, Sanskrit and Science on 17th October, 2018 from 9.00a.m. to 5.00p.m.
The workshop was organised under the able guidance of our worthy cluster head Ms. Jaskiran Harika. Mrs. Anuja Sharma inaugurated the workshop and in her inaugural address she stressed on the need of such workshops which equip teachers with hands on activity, performing experiments, creating models and using teaching aids that in turn strengthens the teaching skills. She addressed the teachers as true soldiers carrying their students on the path of success. After the inaugural session the attending delegates moved to their respective centre for the workshop. The interactive workshop of Hindi, Sanskrit and Science created a congenial interactive teaching environment bridging the gaps in the teaching methodologies. The need of hour is to keep the educators abreast with the latest resources so that they can use for the optimum teaching in their classes. The interactive workshop helps to disseminate the technology based learning which creates creative thinking and results in experiential learning. The vibrant and enthusiastic delegates felt empowered attending the meticulously designed workshop.

CBSE Capacity Building workshop held at DAV15
One day capacity building programme on value education under the aegis of CBSE, centre of excellence was organised on25th September from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00p.m. Mrs. Sweta Singh Joint Secretary, Head Centre of excellence and Mrs. Anupama Sharma Principal M.R. DAV School were the resource persons. Mrs. Anuja Sharma, Principal DAV-15 welcomed all the delegates. The workshop commenced with illuminations of the lamp of knowledge. 67 delegates from different school participated in the enriching workshop. The workshop focused on the inculcation of values and using them as “empowering tools” to help meet the challenges of our contemporary social world. The flux of the interactive session was to address environment and value degradation multicultural conflicts and ill effects of mass media.

Dated:- 20.09.2018
Basic Life Support and First Aid Training Programme
Basic Life Support and First Aid Training Programme under the guidelines of CBSE Health and Physical Education Programme was conducted for teachers of DAV-15 Chandigarh.
A special team of Doctors from Fortis Hospital conducted the programme to create medical awareness among teachers and the other staff members. They stressed on the need to harness First Aid Training.
Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma highlighted the importance of conducting such programmes to enlighten the teachers with medical training.
CPR practical was under taken to show case the ways to save the life of a person during heart attack. They also gave information about various causes and remedial measures to avoid choking.
Bone density test was also conducted. The training was quite useful in imparting medical practical knowledge to teachers.
29th June,2018
Capacity building workshop for Economics and Biology teachers of Senior Secondary classes was held in DAV 15 Chandigarh under the aegis DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi to hone their teaching skills. Approximately 30 teachers from DAV Schools of Tricity wholeheartedly participated in the workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by Mrs Anuja Sharma Venue director Principal of DAV -15. She welcomed all present and highlighted the need to organise such training workshops to impart transfer of learning for the holistic development of students and identify their learning needs.
The workshop was an interactive session in which the Master Trainers of Economics, Mrs. Khamoshi Kakkar from Hansraj Public School, sector 6 panchkula, Mrs. Archana Gaba from K.B DAV. Public School, Sector 7, Chandigarh and Master Trainers of Biology –Dr. Poonam Khurana DAV sector 15, Chandigarh and Mrs. Jatinder Kaur from DAV Phase-X Mohali imparted knowledge for Senior Secondary teachers. They apprised the teachers about content enrichment programme in Economics and Biology through micro teaching.
The Master trainers of Biology showcased different techniques to equip the teachers with variety of activities for content enrichment through micro teaching, strategies and methodologies for performance enrichment and dealing with low and high achievement scale of students. They showcased diagram based learning and use of practical demonstration and digital learning resources.
The Master trainers of Economics delineated the amendments prescribed by CBSE for classes XI and XII. They discussed different strategies to teach economics in a simple manner. They threw light on Transactional Strategies for making effective use of learning Logs , Analogies and Self Prepared PPTs as effective methodologies.
They were also given the innovative ideas to teach Economics and Biology along with the knowledge of remedial measures to rectify the common errors.
Checklist Evaluation Activities were also conducted in which the teachers wholeheartedly participated.
The Cluster Head , Mrs Jaskiran Harika graced the valedictory session . She motivated the teachers to be the torch bearers . She emphasised the need to keep them abreast with latest innovations and strategies to ignite the spark of illuminating knowledge among students.
The workshop opened new horizons of effective teaching.

27th June,2018
Capacity building workshop for Mathematics teachers of Primary and Secondary classes was held in DAV 15 Chandigarh to hone their teaching skills .Approximately 50 teachers from DAV Schools of Tricity wholeheartedly participated in the workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by Cluster Head, Mrs Jaskiran Harika and venue director Principal of DAV -15 Mrs Anuja Sharma. She welcomed all present and highlighted the need to organise such training workshops to impart transfer of learning for the holistic development of students.
The workshop was an interactive session in which the Master Trainers Mrs. Samiksha Sharma from Hansraj Public School, sector 6 panchkula, Mrs. Pooja Aggarwal from D.A.V Surajpur, and Mr.Sandeep Kumar from K.B DAV. Public School, Sector 7 ,Chandigarh imparted knowledge for primary teachers. Mrs.Nivedita Gupta from DAV Public School, Sector 8 Chandigarh, Mrs.Rekha Vij from Hansraj Public School Panchkula and Mrs. Nishi Tejpal from DAV Model School, Sector 15 ,Chandigarh apprised the teachers about various strategies of lesson planning for teaching mathematics in secondary classes.
The Master trainers showcased different techniques to equip the teachers with variety of activities for planning the lessons , mind maping , designing worksheets and developing critical appreciation of technology. Teachers learnt to comprehend , analyse, synthesis, evaluate ad make generalizations so as to solve mathematical problems.
They were also given the innovative ideas to teach mathematics along with the knowledge of remedial measures to rectify the common mathematical errors.
Checklist Evaluation Activities were also conducted in which the teachers wholeheartedly participated. The workshop opened new horizons of effective teaching.

DAV 15 holds Child Safety and Security workshop for class 10th
The State Legal Cell of DAV Model School 15A Chandigarh organised a workshop on World Mental Health day .Principal Mrs Anuja Sharma motivated the students to have a positive outlook towards life in order to ensure physical and mental coordination for the hollistic development . The school counsellor Mrs Simran K. Dhillon presided over the workshop for the students of class 10th .The workshop aimed to discuss topics related to child right ,self empowerment,Juvenile Justice Act( 2015) with its key principles POCSO Act,child abuse and online security .These issues currently envelope the students in the present scenario of their questionable security everywhere; thus ,each issue was discussed and examplified by practical instances that the students experience everyday .All in all the workshop ended on a positive note.

16th Sep,2017
Capacity building workshop for Pre-Primary Classes was held in DAV 15 Chandigarh to hone the teaching skills of Pre Primary teachers .Approximately 40 teachers from DAV Schools of Tricity wholeheartedly participated in the workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by Cluster Head, Mrs Jaskiran Herika, Mrs Anuja Sharma and all the Principals of DAV Tricity Schools. Principal ,Mrs Anuja Sharma welcomed all present and highlighted the need to teach tiny tots in a playway method for their holistic development.
The workshop was an interactive session in which the Master Trainers ,Ms Mala, Ms Geeta from DAV8 Chandigarh, Ms Ruchika and Ms Anita from K.B. DAV. Public School, Sector 7 ,Chandigarh and Ms Neena Sood from DAV Model School, Sector 15 ,Chandigarh apprised the teachers about various strategies and methodology for efficient teaching of tiny tots.
The trainers showcased different techniques to chisel listening, reading, writing and speaking skills with the aid of concrete objects, structured conversations and the importance of conducting assembly to hone the creative potentialities of the children thereby instilling their confidence .Checklist Evaluation Activities were also conducted in which the teachers wholeheartedly participated. The workshop opened new horizons of effective teaching.

To increase students’ awareness about child sexual abuse ‘Shout and Stop’ workshop was organized on 23rd August 2017 for students of classes III to VII by the School Counselling Cell in collaboration with Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights (CCPCR). Ms. Pratibha Bhandari and Mr. Ishaan Dogra, members of the Legal Panel of Child Welfare Committee apprised the students about The POCSO Act which deals with protection of children against sexual offences. Ms. Vrinda Sharma, Counsellor Women and Child Helpline increased awareness of students about how to seek help through the Women and Child Helpline of 181 and Child Helpline of 1098. Ms. Niti Mohan, POCSO Consultant of CCPCR explained about Good Touch and Bad Touch by screening ‘Komal’ a film recommended by CBSE and a film on Safety Lessons for children. The concept of ‘Circle of Love’ that deals with who can touch a child was explained to the children and a quiz based on child safety was also organized. Mrs. Anuja Sharma, Principal DAV Model School Sector 15 A, Chd. emphasized upon the importance of child sexual awareness as the need of the hour.

The workshop was attended by five students of XI (Arts) and Mrs. Simran K. Dhillon (School Counsellor). Various risk taking activities which adolescents indulge in eg. smoking, alcohol, drug abuse, bunking, hiding whereabouts from parents, underage driving, careless use of social media, cheating etc. were discussed.
Their possible causes like observation of parents, seniors and media, exploration, curiosity and thrill seeking, need to fit in and belong, illusion of invulnerability and ignoring long term consequences, desire to rebel, peer pressure and fear of disagreeing, stress, failures, fights and break-ups were also highlighted.
Students were informed about the various consequences of risk taking behaviour which could be physical harm to self or others (immediate or long term), guilt or regret, low self-esteem, high cost, further involvement to riskier behaviours, academic, social, or professional decline.
At the end students were also apprised about the possible solutions for risk behaviour management which has the following steps, Self-Awareness, Evaluating Risk, Express yourself Assertively, Find safer alternate options.
In continuation with the efforts to hone listening, speaking and pre-writing skills, DAV 15 organised a special workshop for parents of Nursery class students. It was an initiative undertaken by the school to spread awareness about the right way to coordinate motor skills of the tiny tots.
Principal Mrs Anuja Sharma motivated the parents to spend quality time with their children and participate in creative activities with them to ensure their holistic development. She highlighted the need of this interaction to complete the triangular interaction of parent-teacher-child needed as an essential pre-requisite to chisel the creative potentialities of their children.
A plethora of activities were organised for the parents to enhance the sensitivity of the parents towards the development of fine motor skills along with hand and eye coordination. They actively participated in activities like paper crunch, clay modelling, pebble painting, brush painting and straw fixing on a brush.
The workshop was a great peep into innovative methodology adopted by the teachers of DAV15 to nurture motor coordination for fine writing skills of the tiny tots.

Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Hospital, Mohali organised an Internship Programme from 1st June 2017 to 7th June 2017. Nine students DAV Model School of class XII (Psychology) attended the internship programme.
Ms. Jyoti Sharma, Counselling Psychologist at Fortis Hospital, Mohali was the Resource Person
The internship programme commenced with academic classes orienting students to clinical disorders and psychotherapy. Students were also exposed to techniques of psychological interviewing, experiential learning on understanding the self. They were introduced to areas of super-specialization within the field of Psychology including Sports Psychology, Psycho-oncology, Organizational Psychology and Art Therapy, Observation of counseling process of patients, Simulation of client/patient situations. The internship concluded with preparation of project on case study.
Certificates of Participation were awarded to all the students

14th July,2017
DAV 15 constantly endeavours to update parents by involving them in the development process of their wards. In continuation with these efforts to accentuate holistic development of children ,the school organised an interactive workshop for the parents . The theme of the workshop was development of “ Fine Motor Skills in Pre- Primary Classes”.
Regional Director, DAV Schools Shimla, Ms.Sofat inaugurated the workshop & applauded the interaction of teachers & the parents in the unique educational activities Principal , Mrs Anuja Sharma highlighted the need to chisel listening, speaking , and pre-writing skills for developing sensory, motor skills through playway method .She congratulated all the teachers and parents for their whole hearted participation.
A plethora of activities were organised for parents which were thoroughly enjoyed by them .They enthusiastically participated in activities like Brush Painting ,Tearing and Pasting, Threading the button Clay modelling, Colouring with crayons , Card embroidery and paper folding. Chocolates and huge rounds of applause motivated the parents to excel in these activities.
The workshop was an eye- opener for all the parents to help them nurture and hone the creative potentialities of their tiny- tots.

A two-day workshop on `understanding classroom management’ was organised in the portals of DAV-15, Chandigarh by the Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma. 65 teachers participated with lot of enthusiasm and vibrancy. There was wonderful interaction and exchange of ideas, motivating expressions and feedback. Various components of effective classroom management were explained by incorporating various handouts discussion and active participation of groups. Teaching styles were discussed at length by actively taking feedback by teachers, classroom organisation and classroom discipline were also considered as inseparable parts of classroom management. The workshop was an innovative approach to teaching and learning process by using different strategies, principles and methods for holistic development of students.

Training of Teachers on Managing Online Lab Resources
‘Training of Teachers on Managing Online Lab Resources ‘ was conducted by CBSE on November 1, 2016 at DAV Model School, Sector 15-A, Chandigarh. Honourable Mr. Chander Shekhar , Project associate of Amrita University, Kerala trained 27 teachers who have come all the way representing various schools from Haryana , Punjab , Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh. Since the Department of Electronics and Information Technology is ‘ funding the project on ‘Rollout of Olabs’ , CBSE has taken the noble initiative to make teachers fully equipped to use and manage Olab Resources for the benefit of students.
Mr. Chander shekhar enlightened the gathering with the Olab content that has been developed for classes IX- XII for Physics , Chemistry and Biology. Also it is available in Mathematics and English for secondary classes. He introduced the participants to the features of online labs which will provide the students experience of virtual experiments that will stimulate them to do real lab work. He recommended olabs to all the schools. Very Enthusiastically , the teachers tried their hands on computers to gain practical knowledge. The workshop was a grand success.

Hindi Workshop
A Hindi Workshop was conducted in DAV MODEL SCHOOL SECTOR 15 Chandigarh on 23rd Sept 2016 based on the Uniform Pattern of Marking as Per Marking Scheme of Class 8 Hindi Question Paper. It was organised under the aegis of DAV Centre of Academic Excellence and the able guidance of Regional Director, Mrs. Madhu Behl and Co-ordinator Mrs. Jaskiran Harika. Principal Mrs Anuja Sharma welcomed all the teachers and motivated them for their valuable input for the upliftment of standard of education.
47 teachers from Panchkula, Kurukshetra and Chandigarh attended the workshop. The Resource persons were Mrs. Archna Malhotra from KBDAV, Sec-7,Chd. and Mrs. Rupa Thakur from DAV Model School, Sec-15 A,Chd.
They apprised the teachers about the latest marking scheme and uniform evaluation of question papers. The teachers actively participated and exchanged their views and queries. Later same answer sheet was given to the teachers to reach the unanimous evaluation and minimize the variations in marking of various answers for the benefit of students.
Language Teaching Enhancement Workshop
Language Teaching Enhancement Workshop on Creative Teaching in classroom for Language Teachers was conducted in DAV 15 on 10th Sept. 2016 by Dr. prof.Deepti Gupta, Dean Foreign studies , Punjab University,Chandigarh.
The Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma thanked Dr. Deepti for taking out her valuable time to impart her knowledge to enrich teachers with new perspective of teaching language creatively in the classroom.
All the Language Teachers of the School enthusiastically participated by giving their ACTIVE OUTPUT to the learning INPUT given by the Resource Person.
Many interactive activities were taken up to motivate and reinforce the teachers to ‘Think out of the Box’ and relate their teaching to presentation of lessons in the class through the medium of songs and stories.
The workshop ended with learning of an innovation approach towards teaching language in the classroom.

A two day interactive session was conducted on 1st and 2nd July 2016 in the portals of DAV 15, Chd. for the teachers on the topic, ‘Transacting life skills’. The Teachers were appraised about the importance of usage of life skills efficiently in classroom teaching and preparing lesson plan. Various strategies to de-stress and coordinate work with overall well-being were discussed. Appreciation cards were given to applaud their active participation. Many activities such as Yoga, role-play enactment, group presentation and power point presentation were enthusiastically attended by the 60 participants. Teachers felt enriched by this new vision of knowledge transacted by Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma and Dr. Lalita Nandel. The exercise will help the teachers to reach out to the students to become better humans.

Workshop for Science Teacher’s at DAV 15 organized by National Academy of sciences India- Chandigarh Chapter
One day workshop for Science Teacher’s for Class 9th and 10th was held at DAV Model School, Sector-15 A, Chandigarh. Thirty Two Teachers from whereas school was attended the workshop. Professor K.K. Bhasin (Dept. of Chemistry). Professor Manjit Kaur(Dept. of physics) , Professor Neelima R. Kumar( Dept. of zoology) and Dr. Daizy R. Batish (Dept. of Botany) were resource persons from Panjab University, Chandigarh who entitled the Teacher’s on whereas topics like- Physics in day today life, importance of some compounds and elements , economically important insects and conservation of Biodiversity . It was an interactive session and the teachers were highly motivated. Professor K.N. Pathak (Ex- V.C., P.U., Chandigarh) President NASI, Chandigarh Chapter ask the teachers to make there classrooms more interactive and arouse the curiosity of the students by making them ask questions. Principal of the School Mrs. Anuja Sharma lauded the initiative taken by NASI for popularizing science and organizing this workshop.

Performance Enhancement Seminar on Accountancy , Economics and Business Studies
The school organized a two day workshop on 21.11.2015 and 22.11.2015 to enable the students of senior secondary classes for performance enhancement in the subjects of Economics, Accountancy and Business study the Commerce group. The delegates were from various DAV schools of Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh. The day began with an inaugural ceremony by the regional director Mrs Madhu Bahl and a cordial welcome was accorded by the Principal of host school Mrs Anuja Sharma.
It was very informative and educative workshop keeping in mind the students to achieve performance enhancement with the said methods. The main thrust was on concept mapping in all the three subjects for important topics to help average and slow learners. The resource persons were from various DAV schools.
The purpose of the workshop was to make the delegates aware of changes in curriculum, and question paper of CBSE in the three subjects. The strategies for slow learners were designed for all the three subjects.
The teachers /delegates also formed work sheets for weak students. Typology of question paper was discussed in terms of CBSE patterns as HOTS, application, learning that would come in board exam. In the subject of Business study value based questions were discussed that what values are taught and what are ignored in the market.
Teachers were given inputs on developing quality economics projects for class XI. This was followed by the discussion and construction of test items based on open text. The workshop concluded with an informative quiz on current affairs. The delegates were very much satisfied with the outcomes of the workshop. A valedictory function was held distributing the certificates to the delegates
Workshop on importance of ICT and Technology integration in curriculum

A two day workshop on importance of ICT and Technology integration in curriculum started in DAV Model School, sector-15 A, Chandigarh on 20-05-2015. The workshop was attended by primary and secondary teachers of DAV Public Schools of HP Zone-V, Ambala Zone, Panchkula Zone and tricity schools. After the ritual lamp lighting and welcome address by Principal of the school, Dr. (Mrs.) Rakesh Sachdeva, the session began. One of the resource person, Ms. Aruna Ahuja familiarised the teachers with importance of ICT in classroom. DR.(Mrs.) Rakesh Sachdeva motivated the teachers to become technology savvy and remain 2 steps ahead of students. The teachers were apprised with Hot Potato Software an application suite to develop multiple choices, short answers, fill in blanks, match the following and puzzles. The workshop also aimed at making classroom teaching more interactive by using Edmodo, an educational website and use of blogs. The resource persons were Ms. Aruna Ahuja, Ms. Amar Jyoti, Ms. Rimple Swami, Ms. Deepti Sharma and Abhishek Sharma. Mrs. Madhu Behl, Regional director and training Coordinator of DAV Centre for academic excellence, DAVCMC addressed the gathering encouraged the teachers make maximum use of technology. She expressed satisfaction over the organisation and progress of the workshop.
EEDP 1 and EEDP 2 - 28 June 2024
Venue: DAV Model School, Sector 15 A, Chandigarh
COTP: Principal Monika Paliwal (DAV, Sector 8C, Chandigarh)
No of Participants: 55
Resource Persons:
1)Ms Shefali (DAV15,Chandigarh)
2)Ms Shalini (DAV 15, Chandigarh)
3)Ms Nidhi Munjal (DAV Mohali)
4)Ms Pooja (DAV Mohali)
Catering classes - EEDP 1 AND EEDP 2*
A comprehensive and inclusive workshop to draft a lesson plan. Creating a holistic lesson plan for heterogeneous learners involves addressing the diverse needs, backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles of students within a classroom.Curriculum goals and competencies we consider while making a lesson plan were also discussed which is the need of an hour. Facilities in various activities to be added in the lesson plan were also discussed.Enhancing learning through sensory play as per NEP. National education policy emphasizes sensory play as a crucial component in early childhood.
The more senses children engage in during their learning, the better they become at executing more complex learning tasks and supporting cognitive growth. Sensory learning supports language development, body awareness, gross motor and fine motor development, social interaction and problem-solving skills.