With an effort to protect youngsters minds from being imbued by violence in the society, Peace club in our esteemed institution was inaugurated in collaboration with Yuvsatta Chandigarh on 10th august, 2007.
Aims and Objectives
It lays emphasis on Development of Youth.
The Main objective of the Club is to fight against Violence and adapt Peaceful methods to solve differences.
It aims to prepare them for building a peaceful world by empowering them with necessary knowledge, attitudes and skills.
The various activities related to promote the workings of Peace-Club include
Visits to old age home, orphanage home to promote morals values
The various activities related to promote the workings of Peace-Club include
Visits to old age home, orphanage home to promote morals values
Environment Awareness Programmes

Participation in various competitions like letter writing competition, debate and declamation ,slogan and poster making competition.

The members are participating in the rallies to eradicate the social evils like female feticide, illiteracy and to save water.