Biology Lab  
Biology is a run of the mill experience. Our well designed and well equipped laboratory provides the best means to give students a platform for active learning and to know more about life.
We at DAV-15 in the biology lab have audio-visual facilities to allow views from microscope or visual facilities demonstration. Projector is used as effective teaching aid. The lab also has a computer to show educational CDs. Students are encouraged to make power point presentations. The various charts, models, specimen depicting life captivate the interest of students. The lab has exotic specimen representing all the major plant groups, seeds, fruits. The entomology collection consists of a wide variety of pests, insects and rare samples. There is wide variety of vertebrate material that includes articulated and disarticulated bones and skeletons. Physiological and ecological experiments are conducted in the lab. The biology students learn to appreciate unicellular life under the microscope and the same cells in the form of tissues, organs, organ systems and organisms amazes them no end. There are specimens showing various life stages of different groups like birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. The school maintains a small botanical garden. The students are taken for a visit to botanical garden which provides ample material for their investigating projects
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