DAV Model School Sector - 15, Chandigarh

facebook page DAV 15: https://www.facebook.com/groups/346287849133502/

Event Detail  
Event Start Date : 21/06/2022 Event End Date 21/07/2022

An Annual feature ,International Yoga Day was celebrated in the premises of DAV MODEL SCHOOL SECTOR 15A , CHANDIGARH by the Principal, staff ,students ,NSS volunteers ,NCC Cadets and Girl guide Scouts with lot of zeal and enthusiasm .
The programme started with a welcome note by the Principal,Mrs Anuja Sharma . She highlighted the importance of yoga in life having a great impact on our heart, soul and mind.She pointed the need to do yoga everyday for a healthy and nurtured life.
The teachers and students under the guidance of Physical Education Teachers,Mrs Vikram,Mrs Harjeet , Mr Rajneesh and Yoga Instuctor of the school performed various yoga aasans like trikonasan bhujangaasan, tadaasan with energetic vigour.All of them did pranayam and undertook a pledge to do yoga regularly. All.rhe aasans were also performed and their benefits were discussed.

All clad in white and black chanted "OM" and breathed in peace and tranquillity. A light refreshment was given to all the participants.The event ended on a positive and refreshing note.

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