Basket Ball (Girls) – 1st positon in D.A.V. national sports tournament – zonal level 2022-2023

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<span style="font-size:12px;"><span lang="EN-IN" style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%;"><span style="margin: 0px;"> </span></span></span></p>
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<strong style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34); text-align: center;"><span style="font-size:16px;"> Sports Achievements of DAV 15</span></strong></p>
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<span style="text-indent: 36pt;"> Ball Badminton (under 1</span><span style="text-indent: 36pt;">7) Boys first position in inter school tournament held at Dev Samaj School , Chandigarh.</span></div>
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<span style="text-indent: 36pt;"> Ball Badminton (under 19</span><span style="text-indent: 36pt;">) Boys first position in inter school tournament held at Dev Samaj School , Chandigarh.</span></div>
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BasketBall First Position in DAV National at cluster Level held at Police DAV Ambala</p>
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Cricket IInd Position in DAV National Cluster Held at Police DAV Ambala</p>
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Lawn Tennis (Under-19 Boys) IInd position in CBSE Cluster Level</p>
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<img alt="" src="http://davchandigarh.com/File/359/sp6DSCN5710.JPG" style="width: 100%; height: 33%;" /></p>
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<span style="text-align: center;">La</span><span style="text-align: center;">wn Tennis (Under-17 Boys) IInd position in CBSE Cluster Level</span></p>
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<span style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="http://davchandigarh.com/File/359/sp7DSCN5724.JPG" style="width: 100%; height: 33%;" /></span></p>
<p style="margin: 0px 0px 10.66px;">
Lawn Tennis IInd Position in DAV National Cluster Level held at Police DAV Ambala</p>
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<img alt="" src="http://davchandigarh.com/File/359/sp8LawnTenis-19.JPG" style="width: 100%; height: 33%;" /></p>
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Lawn Tennis IInd Position in U.T Inter School held at Lake Club</p>
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<img alt="" src="http://davchandigarh.com/File/359/sp9.JPG" style="width: 100%; height: 33%;" /></p>
<p style="margin: 0px 0px 10.66px;">
Lawn Tennis Ist Position in DAV National at State Level Held at Police Dav Ambala</p>
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<p style="margin: 0px 0px 10.66px;">
Ojvasi Sharma declared best Badminton Player in UT</p>
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Yourav giri secured first Position in Gymnastics (DAV National Cluster Level ) held at Police DAV Ambala </p>
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Second Position in Volleyball CBSE Cluster Level held at Shishunekatan School, Sector 22, Chandigarh.</p>
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<p style="margin: 0px 0px 10.66px;">
Second Position in Volleyball DAV Cluster Level held at Police DAV Ambala</p>
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<p style="margin: 0px 0px 10.66px;">
First Position in Volleyball DAV Cluster Level held at Police DAV Ambala</p>
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Yogita Modi won many accolades to school for Golf.</p>
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<span style="text-align: right; text-indent: 36pt; font-size: 12px;">2</span><sup style="text-align: right; text-indent: 36pt;">nd</sup><span style="text-align: right; text-indent: 36pt; font-size: 12px;"> May ,2018</span></p>
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<span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span lang="EN-IN" style="margin: 0px; line-height: 12.84px;">TAEKWONDO CHAMPION</span></span></strong></u></span></p>
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<span style="font-size: 12px;"><span lang="EN-IN" style="margin: 0px; line-height: 12.84px;">Arpana John of class 6<sup>th</sup> made the school proud with her commendable achievement in Taekwondo championship .She won gold medal in Open International Taekwondo<span style="margin: 0px;"> </span>Championship held at Delhi in which eight countries participated.</span></span></p>
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<span style="font-size: 12px;"><span lang="EN-IN" style="margin: 0px; line-height: 12.84px;">Principal,Mrs Anuja Sharma congratulated Arpana for her consistent hard work and arduous efforts.She blessed her to continue her efforts to achieve and excel in her endeavours.</span></span></p>
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<strong><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#800000;"><span style="font-family:lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;">GOLD MEDAL IN UTAH SUB JUNIOR STATE VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP </span></span></span></strong></div>
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21 Nov , 2017</p>
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<span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><font color="#26282a">DAV MODEL SCHOOL SECTOR 15 BOYS TEAM was awarded GOLD MEDAL in </font><font color="#26282a">UTAH SUB </font>JUNIOR STATE VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP AT SEC.7 CHD by CHIEF GUEST DR.MOHINDER SINGH , JOINT DIRECTOR, SPORTS. (UT SPORTS Department) SAI COACH MOHAN NARGETA AND SH VIJAYPAL SINGH GEN SECRETARY CHANDIGARH VOLLEYBALL <font color="#26282a">ASSOCIATION congratulated the winners. Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma felt elated at their commendable achievement and motivated them to work hard and excel in their future endeavours. </font></span></span></div>
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16<sup>th</sup> September,2017</p>
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<strong><span style="color:#800000;">PRE-NATIONAL SHOOTING CHAMPION</span></strong></p>
Manas Chugh OF 11<sup>th </sup>Commerce secured 2 gold and 1 bronze medals in the Pre-National Shooting Championship organized by Chandigarh Rifle Association,Chandigarh. He also qualified for playing G.V.Mavalankar Shooting Championship i.e. All India Pre Nationals Championship to be held in Mumbai. Principal Mrs Anuja Sharma felt elated at his commendable achievement and wished him luck to achieve many more milestones in future.</p>
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<span style="color:#800000;"><strong> UT BALL BADMINTON INTERSCHOOL TOURNAMENT </strong></span></p>
The ball badminton team of DAV MODEL SCHOOL,SECTOR 15 A , CHANDIGARH bagged first position in UT Ball Badminton Inter School Tournament held at Govt School, Sector 41 , Chandigarh in U-19 , Boys Group. Principal, Mrs Anuja Sharma congratulated all the team members and their teacher, Mrs Vikram for their earnest endeavours to achieve this commendable achievement. She wished them luck to accomplish many such milestones in future.</p>
The team members who wholeheartedly participated were Yuvraj Singh , Aakrshit Mahajan, Ojesvi Sharma, Chitraaksh Sharma, Harmandeep Singh, Utsav Kapoor, Ashish Yadav and Bhupinder Singh.</p>
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<strong><span style="color:#b22222;">SHINING TAEKWONDO STAR OF DAV 15</span></strong></p>
<span style="font-size:14px;">Arpana John of class 5 of DAV MODEL SCHOOL SECTOR 15 Chandigarh made the school proud by her commendable performance in Taekwondo competition .She won a bronze medal in “Kukkiwon Cup Indian International Championship held at Talkotra Indoor Stadium, New Delhi. Participants from 24 countries participated in this competition that was organised by Indian Dojang Sports Organisation. Principal Mrs Anuja Sharma congratulated the child and wished her luck for many such milestones in future.</span></p>
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<strong><span style="color:#b22222;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Sports Achievers- commendable achievement in Basket Ball Competition</span></span></strong></p>
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Students of Basket Ball Team of DAV-15, Chd. brought laurels to the school with their commendable achievement in Basket Ball Competition held at DAV National Sports Tournament 2016 (Cluster Level) which was organised by DAV Public School, Ambala City. Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated the children for their whole hearted endeavour and motivated them to excel to achieve the pinnacles of success.</p>
Lalit and Tanshq Thakur bagged highest score in the team. The Sports incharge Mrs. Harjeet felt elated and blessed the children for their crowning glory. </p>
<img alt="" src="http://davchandigarh.com/File/359/basketball.jpg" style="width: 500px; height: 361px;" /></p>
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<span style="color:#b22222;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Sports Achievers- commendable achievement in Lawn Tennis Competition</strong></span></span></p>
Students of DAV Model School, Sector-15 A, Chandigarh brought laurels to the school with their commendable achievement in Lawn Tennis Competition held at DAV National Sports Tournament 2016(Cluster Level) which was organised by Police DAV Public School, Ambala City. Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated the children for the whole hearted endeavours and motivated them to excel to achieve the pinnacles of success.</p>
Kamaljeet Kaur and Arushi Kakkar stood first in Lawn Tennis (Girls Category).The Sports Incharge Mrs. Vikram felt elated and blessed the children for their crowning glory. </p>
<img alt="" src="http://davchandigarh.com/File/359/lawn.jpg" style="width: 500px; height: 375px;" /></p>
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Date: 20/07/2016</p>
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<span style="color:#b22222;"><strong>ARVINDER WINS LAURELS FOR DAV 15 CHD.</strong></span></p>
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<span style="color:#b22222;"><strong>SPORTS ACHIEVER</strong></span></p>
<img alt="" src="http://davchandigarh.com/File/359/DSC_2588.JPG" style="width: 300px; height: 200px; float: left;" /><span style="font-size:14px;">Arvinder sigh of Class-10 B of D.A.V. -15, Chd. brought Laurels to the school by winning a Silver Medal (2<sup>nd</sup> Position ) in 19<sup>th</sup> Sub Junior Inter State Challenger sprint National Rowing Competition held at Chennai. He also won 1<sup>st</sup> Prize in Inter State Challenger Sprint. The Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated and motivated him to shine in his rowing skills and emerge as a winner thereby making his school and parents proud of his commendable achievements.</span></p>
Date-18.01.2016 & 19.01.2016</p>
<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#b22222;">Event- <strong>U.T. inter School Athletic Meet, U- 19, Competition</strong></span></span></p>
<strong>Devanshi of </strong>Class- XI Arts won Ist position in 100 mtrs race and Ist position in long Jump . She was also declared the Best Athlete.</p>
<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#800000;"><strong>The School girls team of Lawn tennis won CBSE Zonal Tournament held at Delhi</strong></span></span></p>
<span style="font-size: 14px;">The School girls team of Lawn tennis (Under-19) comprising Nandini Sharma, Arushi Kakkar, Komaljit Kaur and Nimrat Walia have won CBSE Zonal Tournament held at Delhi they have done the school proud with the great and determination. In semi finals they won the match that was held with DPSE Delhi. In the final match the team won from DPS Chandigarh. The score of the finals:-</span></p>
<span style="font-size:14px;">Nandini Sharma 4-3, 4-1 Arushi Kakkar- 2-4,4-2,4-3. Total teams were 39 from which our team won.</span></p>
<span style="font-size:14px;">The Principal of the School Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated them and blessed them for many more such victories. The Coach Vikram Chaudhary from the school was also elated at the victory. </span></p>
<strong style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><span style="font-size:14px;">School boys team won Lawn Tennis Championship</span></strong></p>
<span style="font-size:12px;">The school Boys team of Lawn Tennis (U-19) comprising of Param Pun, Paramveer Singh Bajwa, Nihit Rawat, Rohit Kumar,Parmeet Singh Deol won the U.T. Lawn Tennis Championship. Earlier they won the match that was held between DAV Model Vs. DPS, Sector-41 and the winners were Param Pun, Paramveer Singh Bajwa, Nihit Rawat, Rohit Kumar, Parmeet Singh Deol. After that the finals were held in the Lake Club and the team won from Carmel Convent School, Sector-9 team. The principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated them and blessed them for many more victories. The coach Ms. Vikram from the school was also elated at the victory.<br />
<img alt="" src="/File/359/ach.jpg" style="width: 918px; height: 300px;" /></span><br />
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<strong><span style="color:#b22222;"><span style="font-size:14px;">City-based junior golf champion Feroz Singh Garewal is all geared up for a host of international tournaments</span></span></strong></li>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">City-based junior golf champion Feroz Singh Garewal is all geared up for a host of international tournaments that will keep the youngster busy for the next couple of months. The most prominent of these will be the Asian Games, to be held in Incheon, South Korea, from September 19 to October 4.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">Besides Garewal, who had topped the six-round trials organised last July for selecting the Indian squad for the Asiad last July, Manu Gandas (Delhi), Udayan Mane (Bangalore) and Samarth Dwivedi (Uttar Pradesh) are in the team.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">“I am excited to be part of the squad and it’s an honour to represent the country. I have been to Korea before and have first-hand knowledge of playing there. It’s a bit chilly and wind is also an element when you play on the course,” said the 17-year-old golfer, who ranks first in both Category A (15-to17 yrs) and Category A and B (13-to-17 yrs) combined of the Indian junior golf circuit.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">He was talking to the media at a press conference organised at Chandigarh Golf Club on Wednesday.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">Prior to the Asian Games, Garewal will compete in three back-to-back international tournaments, starting with Asian Junior Team Championship, to be held in Gunsan, Korea, from August 11 to 14.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">Here, too, like the Asian Games, every participating country will be represented by a four-member team.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">Besides Garewal, the team will include Viraj Madappa (Kolkata), Shubham Narain (Delhi) and Pukhraj Singh Gill (Punjab).</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">All the players have been selected to the Indian squad on the basis of their national ranking in the combined Category A and B.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">Following the Asian championship, Garewal will head to China, where he will compete in the 2nd Youth Olympics from August 16 to 28.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">While the city lad, who studies in Class 12th at DAV Model School, Sector 15, and trains under coach Jesse Grewal at the CGA Range, will lead the Indian challenge in the boys’ section, Aditi Ashok of Bangalore will feature in the girls’ event. Later in the tournament, the duo will also partner in the team event.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">And before Garewal finally returns to South Korea for the Asian Games, he will travel to Karuizawa, Japan, to compete in the World Amateur Team Golf Championship for the Eisenhower Trophy from September 7 to 14.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">Garewal’s team will include his Asian Games squad members Manu Gandas and Udayan Mane.</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">On how is preparing for the hectic two months, Garewal said, “I have been working hard on my game, keeping in mind the various scenarios that I can face on the course. I would like to win the medal for the country.”</span><br />
<span style="color:#b22222;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">अब यूथ ओलंपिक्स की चुनौती</span></strong></span></li>
<span style="text-align: justify;">चंडीगढ़। चंडीगढ़ के युवा गोल्फर फिरोज सिंह ग्रेवाल के लिए 23 जुलाई का दिन बेहद खास रहा। चंडीगढ़ गोल्फ क्लब ने अपने इस स्टार गोल्फर को एक बेहतरीन ट्रॉफी देकर सम्मानित किया और फिर आगामी इंटरनेशनल टूर्नामेंट के लिए कई टिप्स भी दिए। ये टिप्स थे अर्जुन अवॉर्डी हरमीत काहलों, प्रेसिडेंट सीपीएस गिल आदि दिग्गजों के।</span></p>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">फिरोज को यहां 2010 से लेकर 2013 तक हुए इंटरनेशनल टूर्नामेंट में न केवल देश का नाम रौशन किया बल्कि चंडीगढ़ को भी वल्र्ड गोल्फ में पहचान दिलाई। वे इस समय देश के नंबर वन जूनियर गोल्फर हैं। फिरोज के लिए 2010 और 2013 वर्ष शानदार रहा। उन्होंने इसमें कई जूनियर नेशनल और इंटरनेशनल टूर्नामेंट जीते। 2010 में उन्होंने किड्स यूरोपियन चैंपियनशिप में नौवां स्थान हासिल किया।</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">इसके बाद यूएस किड्स टीन वल्र्ड गोल्फ चैंपियनशिप में वे 144 गोल्फर्स में से 44वें पायदान पर रहे। 2013 में वे भारतीय टीम का हिस्सा बने। इस एशियन जूनियर गोल्फ चैंपियनशिप में वे पांचवें स्थान पर रहे। अब वे इंडियन गोल्फ जूनियर की कैटेगरी-ए और ए एंड बी में भी नंबर वन हैं।</span></div>
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<span style="font-size:12px;">अब यूथ ओलंपिक्स की चुनौती: फिरोज ने नंबर वन जूनियर गोल्फर होने के नाते दूसरे यूथ ओलंपिक्स का टिकट कटाया है। ये चैंपियनशिप नानजिंग, चीन में अगस्त माह में होनी है। इसके बाद उन्हें कोरिया के गुनसन में भारतीय जूनियर टीम चैंपियनशिप में भारत का नेतृत्व करना है। इसके बाद फिरोज उस टूर्नामेंट में हिस्सा लेंगे जिसमें शामिल होना हर जूनियर गोल्फर का सपना होता है। ये चैंपियनशिप है वल्र्ड अमेच्योर गोल्फ चैंपियनशिप जोकि जापान के कारूजावा में होगा।</span></div>
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<span style="color:#b22222;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Aiming high: Feroz Singh Garewal</span></strong></span><br />
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<img alt="" src="/File/359/golf.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 166px; margin: 2px; float: left;" /><span style="font-size:12px;">Back in 2012, when golf was reintroduced in the Olympics for 2016 Rio Olympics, city youngster Feroz Singh Garewal was following up the news. He knew that without any experience of playing at the senior level, qualifying from India for Rio would not be possible for him. Two years later, Garewal has qualified for the Youth Olympics to be held in China in August later this year along with Delhi golfer Aditi Ashok. The 17-year-old golfer emerged as the Indian team’s choice as he is currently the leader in the Indian Golf Union Order of Merit in Category A and B combined. “It’s a dream come true for me. I got the letter from the Indian Golf Union on Thursday and the news has boosted my confidence a lot. As a youngster, one often dreams about playing in Olympics, and Youth Olympics will be a great opportunity for me. I had finished second in five tournaments last year and won a tournament this year also, and this resulted in the top spot in the Order of Merit. I have never been to China and it will be a challenge to play in China. Weather will also play its part and I am practising accordingly,” said Garewal, who is a student of DAV Model School, Sector 15. A regular winner in junior categories, Garewal shifted to Category A in 2012 and won the title in the Northern India Amateur Golf Championship held in ITC Manesar in April early this year. The talented youngster, who trains at Chandigarh Golf Club, was also part of the four-member Indian team which finished fifth in the Asian Junior Golf Championship held in Korea last year. The same year also saw Garewal winning the title in his category in World Junior Golf Championship in Jakarta. This year too, Garewal will lead India’s challenge in the Asian Junior Golf Championship along with Viraj Madappa, Pukhraj Gill and Shubham Narain. “Last year, I was working upon my swing and struggled a little. But things have been better this year. Playing in the Asian Golf Championship last year also helped my game. My swing is good and I have been working with my coach Jesse Grewal and fitness coach Sagar Dhiwan to prepare for the two international tournaments,” said Garewal. Coach Jesse Grewal believes that the youngster has got the technique to excel in Youth Olympics. “He has worked hard for the last two years. He has focussed on his fitness and has a sound – See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chandigarh/city-golfer-to-represent-india-in-youth-olympics-in-china-this-august/#sthash.QkwW1aEd.dpuf</span></div>
<strong style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><span style="font-size:14px;">AITT National Ranking Tennis Tournament</span></strong></li>
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<img alt="" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/n3oqAEAwcLvzsjirjreqt8b3HzdjFdKdK9XJp2kkio8=w396-h354-no" style="width: 300px; height: 250px; margin: 2px;" /><img alt="" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/1DZLyygJlO1qeCT8N4fHzU2-4BXb0dmY9BlJVaKSUuE=w961-h599-no" style="width: 300px; height: 250px; margin: 2px;" /><img alt="" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/gF74HBioyIUIUJqV0_CepwUCvne6527Bx56z36lSX6Q=w587-h599-no" style="width: 300px; height: 250px; margin: 2px;" /></p>
<span style="color:#b22222;"><strong><span style="font-size: 14px;">Bajwa Topples Top seed Basil to Lift title</span></strong></span></li>
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<span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);"><strong><span style="font-size: 14px;"><img alt="" src="/File/359/sp1.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 434px; float: left; margin: 2px;" /></span></strong></span></p>
2nd May ,2018
Arpana John of class 6th made the school proud with her commendable achievement in Taekwondo championship .She won gold medal in Open International Taekwondo Championship held at Delhi in which eight countries participated.
Principal,Mrs Anuja Sharma congratulated Arpana for her consistent hard work and arduous efforts.She blessed her to continue her efforts to achieve and excel in her endeavours.

Commendable achievement in Basket Ball Competition
Students of Basket Ball Team of DAV-15, Chd. brought laurels to the school with their commendable achievement in Basket Ball Competition held at DAV National Sports Tournament 2016 (Cluster Level) which was organised by DAV Public School, Ambala City. Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated the children for their whole hearted endeavour and motivated them to excel to achieve the pinnacles of success.
Lalit and Tanshq Thakur bagged highest score in the team. The Sports incharge Mrs. Harjeet felt elated and blessed the children for their crowning glory.
Commendable achievement in Lawn Tennis Competition
Students of DAV Model School, Sector-15 A, Chandigarh brought laurels to the school with their commendable achievement in Lawn Tennis Competition held at DAV National Sports Tournament 2016(Cluster Level) which was organised by Police DAV Public School, Ambala City. Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated the children for the whole hearted endeavours and motivated them to excel to achieve the pinnacles of success.
Kamaljeet Kaur and Arushi Kakkar stood first in Lawn Tennis (Girls Category).The Sports Incharge Mrs. Vikram felt elated and blessed the children for their crowning glory.
Aadish Manrai a student of 11th (Arts) of DAV Model School, Sec-15,Chandigarh brought laurels to the school by winning a gold medal in “ Mountain Bike” competition held on 27th and 28th August 2016 in sub junior category. The competition was held between 10 participants in forest trail behind Kaimbvala Village, Chandigarh. It was orgainsed by Chandigarh Amateur Cycling Association

Date: 20/07/2016
Arvinder sigh of Class-10 B of D.A.V. -15, Chd. brought Laurels to the school by winning a Silver Medal (2nd Position ) in 19th Sub Junior Inter State Challenger sprint National Rowing Competition held at Chennai. He also won 1st Prize in Inter State Challenger Sprint. The Principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated and motivated him to shine in his rowing skills and emerge as a winner thereby making his school and parents proud of his commendable achievements.
Date-18.01.2016 & 19.01.2016
Event- U.T. inter School Athletic Meet, U- 19, Competition
Devanshi of Class- XI Arts won Ist position in 100 mtrs race and Ist position in long Jump . She was also declared the Best Athlete.
The School girls team of Lawn tennis won CBSE Zonal Tournament held at Delhi

The School girls team of Lawn tennis (Under-19) comprising Nandini Sharma, Arushi Kakkar, Komaljit Kaur and Nimrat Walia have won CBSE Zonal Tournament held at Delhi they have done the school proud with the great and determination. In semi finals they won the match that was held with DPSE Delhi. In the final match the team won from DPS Chandigarh. The score of the finals:-
Nandini Sharma 4-3, 4-1 Arushi Kakkar- 2-4,4-2,4-3. Total teams were 39 from which our team won.
The Principal of the School Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated them and blessed them for many more such victories. The Coach Vikram Chaudhary from the school was also elated at the victory.
School boys team won Lawn Tennis Championship
The school Boys team of Lawn Tennis (U-19) comprising of Param Pun, Paramveer Singh Bajwa, Nihit Rawat, Rohit Kumar,Parmeet Singh Deol won the U.T. Lawn Tennis Championship. Earlier they won the match that was held between DAV Model Vs. DPS, Sector-41 and the winners were Param Pun, Paramveer Singh Bajwa, Nihit Rawat, Rohit Kumar, Parmeet Singh Deol. After that the finals were held in the Lake Club and the team won from Carmel Convent School, Sector-9 team. The principal Mrs. Anuja Sharma congratulated them and blessed them for many more victories. The coach Ms. Vikram from the school was also elated at the victory.
City-based junior golf champion Feroz Singh Garewal is all geared up for a host of international tournaments
City-based junior golf champion Feroz Singh Garewal is all geared up for a host of international tournaments that will keep the youngster busy for the next couple of months. The most prominent of these will be the Asian Games, to be held in Incheon, South Korea, from September 19 to October 4.
Besides Garewal, who had topped the six-round trials organised last July for selecting the Indian squad for the Asiad last July, Manu Gandas (Delhi), Udayan Mane (Bangalore) and Samarth Dwivedi (Uttar Pradesh) are in the team.
“I am excited to be part of the squad and it’s an honour to represent the country. I have been to Korea before and have first-hand knowledge of playing there. It’s a bit chilly and wind is also an element when you play on the course,” said the 17-year-old golfer, who ranks first in both Category A (15-to17 yrs) and Category A and B (13-to-17 yrs) combined of the Indian junior golf circuit.
He was talking to the media at a press conference organised at Chandigarh Golf Club on Wednesday.
Prior to the Asian Games, Garewal will compete in three back-to-back international tournaments, starting with Asian Junior Team Championship, to be held in Gunsan, Korea, from August 11 to 14.
Here, too, like the Asian Games, every participating country will be represented by a four-member team.
Besides Garewal, the team will include Viraj Madappa (Kolkata), Shubham Narain (Delhi) and Pukhraj Singh Gill (Punjab).
All the players have been selected to the Indian squad on the basis of their national ranking in the combined Category A and B.
Following the Asian championship, Garewal will head to China, where he will compete in the 2nd Youth Olympics from August 16 to 28.
While the city lad, who studies in Class 12th at DAV Model School, Sector 15, and trains under coach Jesse Grewal at the CGA Range, will lead the Indian challenge in the boys’ section, Aditi Ashok of Bangalore will feature in the girls’ event. Later in the tournament, the duo will also partner in the team event.
And before Garewal finally returns to South Korea for the Asian Games, he will travel to Karuizawa, Japan, to compete in the World Amateur Team Golf Championship for the Eisenhower Trophy from September 7 to 14.
Garewal’s team will include his Asian Games squad members Manu Gandas and Udayan Mane.
On how is preparing for the hectic two months, Garewal said, “I have been working hard on my game, keeping in mind the various scenarios that I can face on the course. I would like to win the medal for the country.”
अब यूथ ओलंपिक्स की चुनौती
चंडीगढ़। चंडीगढ़ के युवा गोल्फर फिरोज सिंह ग्रेवाल के लिए 23 जुलाई का दिन बेहद खास रहा। चंडीगढ़ गोल्फ क्लब ने अपने इस स्टार गोल्फर को एक बेहतरीन ट्रॉफी देकर सम्मानित किया और फिर आगामी इंटरनेशनल टूर्नामेंट के लिए कई टिप्स भी दिए। ये टिप्स थे अर्जुन अवॉर्डी हरमीत काहलों, प्रेसिडेंट सीपीएस गिल आदि दिग्गजों के।
फिरोज को यहां 2010 से लेकर 2013 तक हुए इंटरनेशनल टूर्नामेंट में न केवल देश का नाम रौशन किया बल्कि चंडीगढ़ को भी वल्र्ड गोल्फ में पहचान दिलाई। वे इस समय देश के नंबर वन जूनियर गोल्फर हैं। फिरोज के लिए 2010 और 2013 वर्ष शानदार रहा। उन्होंने इसमें कई जूनियर नेशनल और इंटरनेशनल टूर्नामेंट जीते। 2010 में उन्होंने किड्स यूरोपियन चैंपियनशिप में नौवां स्थान हासिल किया।
इसके बाद यूएस किड्स टीन वल्र्ड गोल्फ चैंपियनशिप में वे 144 गोल्फर्स में से 44वें पायदान पर रहे। 2013 में वे भारतीय टीम का हिस्सा बने। इस एशियन जूनियर गोल्फ चैंपियनशिप में वे पांचवें स्थान पर रहे। अब वे इंडियन गोल्फ जूनियर की कैटेगरी-ए और ए एंड बी में भी नंबर वन हैं।
अब यूथ ओलंपिक्स की चुनौती: फिरोज ने नंबर वन जूनियर गोल्फर होने के नाते दूसरे यूथ ओलंपिक्स का टिकट कटाया है। ये चैंपियनशिप नानजिंग, चीन में अगस्त माह में होनी है। इसके बाद उन्हें कोरिया के गुनसन में भारतीय जूनियर टीम चैंपियनशिप में भारत का नेतृत्व करना है। इसके बाद फिरोज उस टूर्नामेंट में हिस्सा लेंगे जिसमें शामिल होना हर जूनियर गोल्फर का सपना होता है। ये चैंपियनशिप है वल्र्ड अमेच्योर गोल्फ चैंपियनशिप जोकि जापान के कारूजावा में होगा।
Aiming high: Feroz Singh Garewal
Back in 2012, when golf was reintroduced in the Olympics for 2016 Rio Olympics, city youngster Feroz Singh Garewal was following up the news. He knew that without any experience of playing at the senior level, qualifying from India for Rio would not be possible for him. Two years later, Garewal has qualified for the Youth Olympics to be held in China in August later this year along with Delhi golfer Aditi Ashok. The 17-year-old golfer emerged as the Indian team’s choice as he is currently the leader in the Indian Golf Union Order of Merit in Category A and B combined. “It’s a dream come true for me. I got the letter from the Indian Golf Union on Thursday and the news has boosted my confidence a lot. As a youngster, one often dreams about playing in Olympics, and Youth Olympics will be a great opportunity for me. I had finished second in five tournaments last year and won a tournament this year also, and this resulted in the top spot in the Order of Merit. I have never been to China and it will be a challenge to play in China. Weather will also play its part and I am practising accordingly,” said Garewal, who is a student of DAV Model School, Sector 15. A regular winner in junior categories, Garewal shifted to Category A in 2012 and won the title in the Northern India Amateur Golf Championship held in ITC Manesar in April early this year. The talented youngster, who trains at Chandigarh Golf Club, was also part of the four-member Indian team which finished fifth in the Asian Junior Golf Championship held in Korea last year. The same year also saw Garewal winning the title in his category in World Junior Golf Championship in Jakarta. This year too, Garewal will lead India’s challenge in the Asian Junior Golf Championship along with Viraj Madappa, Pukhraj Gill and Shubham Narain. “Last year, I was working upon my swing and struggled a little. But things have been better this year. Playing in the Asian Golf Championship last year also helped my game. My swing is good and I have been working with my coach Jesse Grewal and fitness coach Sagar Dhiwan to prepare for the two international tournaments,” said Garewal. Coach Jesse Grewal believes that the youngster has got the technique to excel in Youth Olympics. “He has worked hard for the last two years. He has focussed on his fitness and has a sound – See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chandigarh/city-golfer-to-represent-india-in-youth-olympics-in-china-this-august/#sthash.QkwW1aEd.dpuf
AITT National Ranking Tennis Tournament

Bajwa Topples Top seed Basil to Lift title